Munisha khatwani is a learned and experienced tarot card reader and provides astrology services. She has been providing her astrology services for a very long time and has extensive knowledge in this area. Munisha khatwani offers a plethora of astrology services such as Vedic horoscope, gemstone consultation and many more. For inquiries Email at:

Your thinking about walking into 2024 with a new motto and a new attitude. You want to be more positive and happy then what you were in 202e You will be able to help quite a few people this year as you have got the card of the sun which means along with your success you will be happy to help people succeed. This year you need to take care of your health and your finances look bright and your personal life as well
Lucky Colors : Blue / White
Lucky Numbers : 3 / 6 / 9
Lucky Months : February / June

Feeling a bit blue about the year but things will get better in the middle of the year. The first few months of the year seem to be quite challenging but you are going to be strong and brave for the same. You will feel a little emotionally drained out as you have got the card of the tower and you need to work towards your spiritual growth. Finances will get better in the second half of the year so just keep the patience.
Lucky Colors : Yellow / Red
Lucky Numbers : 2 / 4 / 7
Lucky Months : July / November

You will have a year full of emotional confusions and you will need a lot of emotional support from your family and friends and well wishers. You will have a good year professionally as you have got the card of the world and you will even travel quite a bit and you can look forward to Some new opportunities coming your way. Health will be average during the year but mental health will be very important in 2024.
Lucky Colors : White / Blue
Lucky Numbers : 5 / 6 / 9
Lucky Months : April / September

You can expect a lot more than what you got in 2023 and things will be more positive and fruitful for the same . You will be over your emotional challenges and you will be more positive about your love or personal life . For those of you who are looking for new career opportunities this will a good year for you to focus on your career and career goals . Finances will ne stable in 2024
Lucky Colors : Red / Pink
Lucky Numbers : 2 / 4 / 6
Lucky Months : March / July

Hard work seems to be on the agenda for the year and you will be focusing on career paths and career goals for 2024 . You will have some career changes for the better but you will need to be cautious about what you are able to manifest in your life . Finances will be better for you after your birthday and you will see more happiness in the 2nd half of the year suggests the card of the hermit .
Lucky Colors : Blue / Orange
Lucky Numbers : 1 / 5 / 7
Lucky Months : August / November

This is the year of transformation for the better says your cards and you will be quite happy with 2024. There are a lot of career changes and many of you might consider changing your profession or seeing more professional growth . Love life gets more stable post March and you will be feeling more settled about the same . The main thing for 2024 is that you will be building your self confidence and self esteem
Lucky Colors : White / Black
Lucky Numbers : 3 / 6 / 9
Lucky Months : April / September

You want to do something that will make a difference in your life and make a difference in your family members life in 2024 and you might be successful if you work very hard for the same. For thake who are single the year seems to be more favourable to you because you have got the card of the lovers. For those who have been ignoring your health you will be compelled to take care of it in the coming year.
Lucky Colors : Red / Green
Lucky Numbers : 2 / 5 / 9
Lucky Months : February/ July

You think you will be able to overcome certain past issues in 2024 but unless you make a strong effort you will be stuck in the past . You have got the card of the hermit which means you will have a lot of spiritual growth for the year and you will be more drawn towards that . It is time for you to also pay more attention to your love life and for those looking for your soulmate it is possible in 2024.
Lucky Colors : Pink / White
Lucky Numbers : 1 / 3 / 7
Lucky Months : March / October

Think before you leap should be your motto for 2024 because it seems like your going to be in a spontaneous mood for making some calls and you will go ahead with whatever your heart desires. For those who are looking for a professional change or growth you can expect that this year. Health is wealth and you will learn to take more care of your body and mental health as well. Finances will be a bit constrained but you will not lack anything as such as all your needs get fulfilled.
Lucky colors : Green / Yellow
Lucky Numbers: 2 / 5 / 8
Lucky Months : April / July

Work and being practical will be your main attitude and Motto for 2024. You will be keen to make changes in your love life and you will command the universe to fulfil all your desires in that department. Finances will be good and you will be finding yourself being more comfortable in the new year as you feel that you will be in a better position to enjoy your money. You need to be a bit careful of health says the card of the devil so take precautions whenever you can.
Lucky Colors : White / Orange
Lucky Numbers : 4 / 7 / 9
Lucky Months : March / August

You will be wanting a strong desire to be fulfilled in the coming year and you will be thinking of all ways to make that happen. You will be looking forward to concentrating on your professional goals but don’t forget to give time to your family and loved ones. For those single you will have options in terms of relationships and you will be feeling a little unclear about your personal life choices. Finances will be good but there will be a lot of expenses as well in 2024 so you need to be prepared accordingly.
Lucky Colors : Red / Blue
Lucky Numbers : 4 / 6 / 7
Lucky Months : May / September

You will be feeling like life is more content than the previous year and you be more positive and comfortable about your work and your finances. For those who want to shift to a new place or Country that is possible in the coming year . You will be quite alert about your health and it will be an important aspect in your life . For those who are looking to travel you will be able to mange your schedule for the same . There is a lot of hard work indicated but don’t forget to spend time with your friends and loved ones to keep the balance.
Lucky Colors : Orange / Blue
Lucky Numbers : 1 / 3 / 4
Lucky Months : May / November